divendres, 16 de maig del 2008


Autora: Doris Lesing

El último verano de Mrs. Brown (The summer before de dark) (1973)

Viu a Londres. És una dona de quaranta-cinc anys, els quatre fills de la qual ja han marxat de casa; el marit és un reconegut neuròleg que se’n va a treballar als Estats-Units per uns quants mesos; ella, llavors, es troba davant l’abisme de la seva futura existència: l’aniquilació, les pors pròpies de la vellesa i la mort.

Agafa un treball d’intèrpret i viatja a Turquia, també a Espanya amb un jove americà amb el qual té una aventura sentimental. Tanmateix, aquest estiu d’alliberament i descoberta d’ella mateixa no la porta on ella esperava i, en canvi, es troba patint una malaltia i una crisi que l’enfronta a ella mateixa, i que li produeix ràbia i pànic. Quan la coneixem al principi de la novel·la, Kate Brown es vesteix a la moda, al final del llibre, quan torna amb la seva família, s’ha despullat de tot allò que ella creia que era.

L’estil és directe i senzill, però la Lessing utilitza els somnis, els arquetips i els mites, i trobem a la protagonista relacionada amb les forces obscures que hi ha darrere de qualsevol vida

En aquesta novel·la hi podem reconèixer els conflictes que pateixen les dones i la humanitat en general.

No totes les crítiques que s’han fet d’aquest llibre són favorables, fins i tot hi ha feministes que han considerat aquesta obra com a totalment anti-feminista; es pregunten quin sentit té que Kate Brown, malgrat tots els canvis que fa, acabi retornant a la situació inicial.

Doris Lessing: Premi Nobel de Literatura 2007

Filla de pare i mare britànics, va néixer a Pèrsia el 1919. Quan ella tenia 6 anys van anar a la colònia britànica al sud de Rhodèsia (la Zimbabwe actual) a intentar fer fortuna amb el cultiu de blat de moro. La seva infantesa va ser una barreja de bastant dolor i goig, rebent una educació molt estricta per part de la seva mare. Als 13 anys va deixar d’anar a l’escola i es va convertir en una autodidacta, que es va educar llegint llibres que rebien de Londres Als 15 anys va marxar de casa i va començar a treballar com a auxiliar de clínica; va descobrir les relacions sentimentals i sexuals i va tenir les primeres frustracions en aquest àmbit i va començar a escriure i publicar els seus primers relats en revistes sud-africanes. Es va traslladar a la capital, Salisbury, i als 19 anys es va casar amb un funcionari i va tenir dues criatures. Al cap de pocs anys va deixar la família i allí mateix a Salisbury va contactar amb un grup de comunistes. Es va tornar a casar amb Gotffried Lessing i van tenir un fill. L’any 49 va anar cap a Londres amb el fill, on va publicar la seva primera novel·la The grass is signing (L’herba canta) i al 54 va abandonar el comunisme. El Quadern Daurat (1962), que explora les múltiples parts d’una dona contemporània, descrivint la ràbia i agressivitat de les dones, la va portar a la fama. En els 70 i 80 escriu sobre la connexió entre el destí personal i col·lectiu

També ha escrit sobre els gats, un dels seus grans amors. Al 1995 apareix la primera part de la seva autobiografia Sota la meva pell. Al 1995 viatja a Sud-àfrica (no hi havia tornat des del 56, quan la van fer fora per les seves idees) a veure la seva filla i conèixer els néts. Promociona la seva autobiografia i és reconeguda com una gran escriptora, pels temes que tracta i que, precisament, havien estat el motiu de la seva expulsió. Després de set anys sense escriure cap novel·la, publica L’amor una altra vegada el 1996. Rep premis i reconeixement. El 1997 surt Walking in the Shade, la segona part de l’autobiografia, que tracta sobre la seva vida durant els anys 49-62. Escriu altres novel·les, entre les quals Mara i Dan el 1999. Aquest any se li concedeix el premi Internacional de Catalunya i el Príncipe de Asturias de les Lletres el 2001, per la seva defensa de la llibertat i del tercer món. La seva última novel·la The Cleft és del 2007; tracta sobre una comunitat exclusivament de dones que poden reproduir-se sense la intervenció de cap mascle on finalment neix un home; tracta de com homes i dones han de viure junts el millor que puguin.

Ha escrit sobre els xocs culturals, les injustícies racials, la lluita entre els elements oposats de la personalitat de les persones i el conflicte entre la consciència individual i el bé comú

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YouTube scams: If you do a search on youtube for facebook poker cheats, zynga poker hacks, or free facebook poker chips you’ll find hundreds of videos on the topic. More than 90% of them are made by idiots hoping to convince you to send them your account information. They range from slightly clever to completely moronic.

Image Photo Having Exe Embedded In it: This one is hard to catch. This is the latest fashion that is used by phisher, you will be asked to share family photo's. When you open their photo, that will innitiate an exe in the background which will steal all your information and send to the mastermind behin it. So be careful with whom you share photos.

Hope these tips help you saving your chips.

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Pack buying right here usually means gathering a few of good friends with comparable browsing lists after which ordering in bulk to carry benefit of economies of scale. I usually pack store with two other individuals in relation to generic presents. You'll locate that it is easy to get basically good presents like wine glasses at seriously terrific costs whenever you pack store.

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t For quite a few, UGG boots give the perfect heat preserving material and comfort together with the winter months. Ugg boot are both comfy and cozy. This pair factors are exceedingly critical, no matter what amount of time you'll be spending out in the weather situations. A recent survey in London came up with the surprising result that 20 percent of men and 15 percent of women cuddle up to a teddy bear at night. Maybe they know something the rest of us don't. If you do get one though, don't mess around, get the best. [url=http://www.uggsnowbootsclearance.com]Ugg clearance[/url] Referring to special editions from the present fashion Aupie UGG Boots world, you can possibly be also considering getting a start looking at Aupie Australian sheepskin boots. This is the best choice in winter. A pair of Aupie UGG Boots can bring you warmth and comfort in winter.. The problem when anything becomes popular is that is will be faked. This is especially the case with womens shoes and boots as they tend to be expensive and people are always on the look out for a cheaper alternative to the real thing. This especially true when it comes to buying UGG boots.nevertheless really feel like you just arranged them on [url=http://www.uggsnowbootsclearance.net]Cheap Ugg Boots[/url] Girls pair these boots with skin tight denim skirts that give them a smashing and ravishing looks. Many girls love these boots but they don know what makes them love these boots (Great confusion!). If you are the one who are not in love with these boots, then I suggest you to wear them once in your lifetime to feel the style and comfort of these boots (I bet you will love wearing them again).. Since then, Ugg Australia slowly update from a small surf brand to the worlds leading luxury brand of sheepskin boots. And the product line are not only limited to sheep leather boots, UGG slowly increases the high-quality goods made of skins for all seasons, such as recreational shoes, slippers shoes, and recently UGG introduces a handbag series. With Ugg Australia President words, Ugg Australia is your right choice once you put it on, you will not want to take it off due to its original credibility and super and luxurious comfort which will make you fascinate..be sure not to apply the cleaner directly to your boots

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The business presents 1 [url=http://muachunggiatot.com/thoi-trang.html]gia re hang ngay[/url] for each and every working day in each and every of the markets it serves. The Groupon capabilities as an assurance deal employing ThePoint's system: if a distinct range of people sign up for the offer you you, then the offer gets accessible to all if the predetermined bare bare minimum is not achieved, no a solitary gets the offer that working day. This minimizes chance for merchants, who can offer with the coupon codes as quantity reductions as effectively as revenue advertising and marketing gear. Groupon makes income by keeping about fifty percent the resources the customer pays for the coupon.

For illustration, an $80 therapeutic massage could be obtained by the consumer for $forty by indicates of Groupon, and then Groupon and the retailer would split up the $forty. That is, the retailer offers a therapeutic massage valued at $eighty and will get roughly $twenty from Groupon for it (under a fifty%/50% break up). Or, if $240 really worth of home portray providers is bought by the consumer for $50 through Groupon, then the organization gets $twenty five and Groupon retains $20 5. The purchaser will get the therapeutic massage, or the residence painting provider, in these examples, from the retailer for which they at first compensated $forty (or $fifty) to Groupon. There are particular firms to which Groupon at very first did not supply you its options, like capturing ranges and strip clubs even so, having pictures ranges have been highlighted on Groupon.

In contrast to classified promoting, the service provider does not shell out any upfront price tag to take part: Groupon collects customized details from completely ready clients and then contacts only individuals buyers, mainly by daily digital mail, who could probably be fascinated in a particular product or provider.

Groupon employs a massive amount of copywriters who draft descriptions for the offers highlighted by digital mail and on the site. Groupon's marketing textual articles for the 'deals' has been witnessed as a contributing issue to the track record of the web site, that includes a distinct merge of complete simple simple fact-examining and witty humor.

Owing to Groupon's industry area receiving mainly composed of female customers, the provides are usually concentrated on the general well being, well being and physical fitness and splendor marketplaces.

There are prospective difficulties with the company layout. For scenario in stage, a productive provide could rapidly swamp a minor group with also a number of consumers, jeopardizing a possibility that shoppers will be dissatisfied, or that there will not be adequate solution to satisfy the need from buyers. Gap, a enormous clothes retailer, was in a place to deal with 445,000 low cost coupons in a countrywide supply (despite the truth that it skilled server difficulties at a one stage), but a a lot more compact organization could grow to be all of a unexpected flooded with clients. 1 coffee store in Portland, Oregon struggled with an increase in customers for three months, when it acquired in close proximity to to a single,000 Groupons on the one doing work working day it was offered, in accordance to a single particular report. In response to comparable difficulties, Groupon officials issue that 'deal' subscriptions should to be capped in progress to a affordable sum.

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